ABEL Mobilfunk realises smart 5G light mast at Cologne Cathedral

Lichtmast In Kln

Mobile network expansion in city centres poses an additional challenge when designing the city of the future. Between tall buildings and narrow streets, smart 5G streetlights - as a supplement to the usual mobile phone sites on rooftops - provide an innovative and efficient solution for providing better network coverage. After ABEL had already implemented the first projects for the telecommunications provider o2 Telefónica in Frankfurt and Würzburg with a so-called 5G street light, the next project now followed in Cologne's city centre in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral, main railway station and the Musical Dome. ABEL Mobilfunk, in collaboration with 5G-Synergiewerk GmbH, NetCologne and the energy supplier RheinEnergie, has implemented the smart 5G street light for o2 Telefónica.

Capacitive addition to the existing mobile network 

The increasing demand for data volumes requires these additional densities. The lighting mast solution is therefore the perfect capacitive addition to the existing mobile network. With high bandwidths and availability with short response times in the millisecond range, the mast contributes to being able to implement future technologies in the long term. The 5G light masts are so-called medium cells. The active mobile radio technology is located at the base of the masts, while the antennas are installed at a height of between 15 and 20 metres. The lighting mast was integrated into the mobile phone network with active 5G technology just in time for the start of the home European Championships and has been supplying the fan mile on Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer with additional capacity to date.